- LMS - SSO and SSO Hybrid
- The system now has a setting at the back end to set if the customer will use SSO or combination of SSO and traditional login.
- The Surge system now supports Multi Factor authentication.
- Policy - Policy Comments Report
- Policy Comments Reports are now available in Policy Professional. Users will be able to see what policy includes comments.
- LMS - Education Assigned to User Report by Supervisor
- Education assigned to users' reports has been modified so that supervisor can see all users under their supervision and their education assigned to them
- QRM - Additional QRM question type in creating an audit question
- Dropdown question type is now available when creating questions in QRM. Dropdown option
- LMS - Capturing of Test Score in a SCORM Course
- The Surge system now has a capability to capture test scores within SCORM. This option is now available by checking the checkbox when users edit a SCORM course.
- Policy - Policy - Restricting Child Database if Parent is the only subscribe to Policy Professional
- Policy restricting any child databases that are not subscribed to Policy Professional is now available. Any child that is not subscribed to Policy Professional will be redirected to the home page.
- Policy - Policy Advance Convert Updates
- Policy Advance Covert API has been modified to capture bullet and numbering formats in the word document.
- QRM - QRM Notification Settings.
- Superusers now have a capability to turn off QRM notification on the profile level.
- QRM - AHS Completing of Courses based on Session (touch based with Gustavo)
- Any courses under AHS vendor are now skipping the password verification as users have completed the previous course. otherwise, non AHS courses will still have the password verification.
- Roche Integration
- This integration will allow users to share with Roche. The checkbox will be available for all the clients who request it. Any completions will be submitted to Roche.
- QRM Retirement and LTC OnDemand Audit
- Retirement and LTC OnDemand audits are now available in our system.
- LMS - LDAPS Compliant
- Surge Learning is now an LDAPS Compliant. This is the latest LDAP that Surge Learning is supporting
- Vendor Certificate
- Vendor Certificate is now available in our system.
- MP4 Video to vimeo video
- Users can now upload MP4 and it will be sent directly to our vimeo to be uploaded.