What's New |
- Enterprise Policies:
Customers with Enterprise setup now have the capability to add policies at the enterprise level and make them available across multiple business units.
Enhancements! |
- Education Report Filter in User Education Status Report
An additional filter has been added in the User Education Status Report. The new filter will allow the option to view the Annual Education only, the Orientation Education only or a combination of Annual and Orientation Education.
- New Message Display - Inactivating a Course in a Chapter/Bundle Course
The system will display a message in the Active Status field of the Add/Edit Course page, explaining that the course cannot be inactivated because it is part of a bundle/chapter course. (The bundle/chapter course name will be provided in the message).
- Addition of Filter - Survey Report
A calendar dropdown option titled from and to has been added to the Survey Report. You can click within the field, and add the date range you would like included in your report.
- Enterprise Course Completion
The Enterprise site location is now included in the course completion report.
- Allow Enterprise users to answer to complete audits at the home/site level
The functionality to allow Enterprise users complete an audit at the site level is now available without having to login at the home/site level.
- Account Manager email in the home page
The Account Manager email is now available on the home page. This is available for those whose user access level is education coordinator and above.
- New settings to set number of years to show Skill Education
A new setting has been created to allow you to input the number of years you would like to show the skill education in the My Courses page.
- Launching of QRM Ondemand
Launching QRM ondemand is now open in a new page.
Bug Fix |
- Adding a question option in a QRM Audit
The functionality to add a new question at the bottom of the list is now working properly.
- Calendar features in Bulk adding of Skills
The popup calendar is now working when you click on it to obtain the date.
- Audit Name in Printing of QRM Draft
The name of the audit is now viewable when printing the QRM draft.