- There are two types of audits, standard and part audit. A standard audit is assigned to 1 person to complete, and must be completed in 1 session. A part audit has multiple sections, and can be assigned to multiple people to complete the different sections.
- Audit’s can be scheduled/assigned or they can be completed at any time using the On Demand feature.
- Scheduled audit’s can be created as a REPEATING Audit. This means that once an audit is completed, it can be completed again.
To Launch an On Demand Audit
- From the Home Page click on the QRM icon
- Click on QRM on Demand from the QRM landing page
- Select the QRM audit that needs to be completed from the drop-down arrow.
- Type in the Schedule Name/Location (this will be your identifier for this particular audit) field, and click Perform Audit
- Complete audit
- If you do not complete the audit in 1 session, you can click on Save & Finish later.
- If you completed the audit click on Save and Review Deficiencies.
- Add comments/create actions, if applicable.
- Click on Finish and Lock the audit. You will be brought back to My QRM.
Note: If you are completing a repeat audit, click on Send Notification and Repeat Audit. Type in the schedule name/location and click on Repeat Audit.
To Launch a Scheduled Audit
- From the Home Page click on the QRM icon
- On this screen you will see a list of audits that have been assigned/scheduled for you to complete.
- Click the name of the audit you would like to complete.
- Complete audit
- If you do not complete the audit in 1 session, you can click on Save & Finish later.
- If you completed the audit click on Save and Review Deficiencies.
- Add comments/create actions, if applicable.
- If it is a part audit, complete all parts required from yourself, and it will then notify the additional participants that they can go in and complete their part of the audit.
- Click on Finish and Lock the audit. You will be brought back to My QRM.
Note: If you are completing a repeat audit, click on Send Notification and Repeat Audit. Type in the schedule name/location and click on Repeat Audit.