Part audits are created using all the steps of a Standard audit with only the following difference.
Parts audits are like multiple single audits contained in one audit. Each part can be scheduled at different times and assigned to different users or groups. This allows the audit to be more complex without having to schedule and track multiple different audits. It is very good for handling more complex processes.
When you create a Part audit you will get one part by default (Part 1). Inside this part is one section.
- You can edit the Part name by clicking its pencil button
- You can add additional parts by clicking the Add Part button
When adding a second or additional part, you can specify the number of days to delay scheduling of the part. This is relative to the first part.
For example – in Part 2 you specify 3 days delay. This means that when Part 1 is scheduled for August 1, Part 2 will be scheduled for August 4.
If you add a third part and specify 4 days delay, it will be scheduled for three days after Part 1, in this example, August 5th.
You will be able to change this when creating a schedule for your parts audit, but it can be helpful to pre-define this.
Parts can be re-ordered using the up and down arrow buttons
Creating and Editing Part audits is otherwise the same as Standard audits